My Ganu Bhaiya..............

            Before starting about myself i would like to tell all of you that this is my Ganu Bhaiya who has helped in all my struggle in life. He is always there by my side in my up & down of life to show me the right way .......

   This is me......Madhu....

                 I really do not know how to start but still i would give a brief bout myself. Basically im from Himachal born in Chamba, daughter of Kanwar Bhawani Singh. My mom belongs to Nahan. So basically you will find more details on these areas in my website. But as I said i like travelling I have been to many places in himachal I will give you information on that also.

                Presently im based in Mumbai. I am staying here with my family : my loving mom &  my darling daughter ........ Although since 10 years i am staying & working here in mumbai, I love the most is that time when I am in my native place on holidays.We go there once in every year.....It is a feeling as you are in heaven after all back to ur roots.

                 But as God has decieded Mumbai as my Karam im here. I love Mumbai too as it has given me my bread & butter. Its a place where although you come from another city you are excepted  & respected. And of course it is a Safe & Sophisticated  city to stay in for ladies as some cities are not. ..........  Thats why it is called CITY OF DREAMS ..........

               My hobbies include Movies, Music, Driving, Travelling ( i love to visit new places), Badminton & last but not the least SHOPPING.........



This is MOM....




My two sweet babies: Candy & Sandy
